What events lead to Cesar Chavez death?

April 23, 1993: Cesar Chavez dies of complications from fasting at the age of 66 in San Luis, Arizona, surrounded by his family, close friends, and farmworkers.

The events leading up to his death:

1982-1984: Chavez leads a massive hunger strike to protest the use of pesticides in the fields and demand safer working conditions for farmworkers.

1990: Chavez begins a boycott against California table grapes to demand better wages and working conditions for farmworkers.

1992: The United Farm Workers union reaches an agreement with the table grape industry, but Chavez continues to press for better conditions for farmworkers.

1993: Chavez begins another hunger strike to demand better wages and working conditions for Mexican farmworkers in Mexico.

April 23, 1993: Chavez dies of complications from fasting.

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