Your friend who has terminal cancer an gone into a hospice will he die?
Hospice focuses on improving the quality of life for those facing serious illnesses rather than solely preparing for death. It involves a team of healthcare professionals who provide medical, emotional, and spiritual support to both the patient and their loved ones. The focus is on managing symptoms, relieving pain, and ensuring the patient's comfort.
Some individuals receiving hospice care may experience unexpected improvements in their condition, allowing them to regain a better quality of life. While hospice is centered around end-of-life care, it also encourages living each day to the fullest until the natural time of death.
Therefore, it's not correct to assume that your friend will definitely die because they have entered hospice care. While it's an acknowledgment of their serious condition, hospice aims to make the remaining journey as comfortable and compassionate as possible, while cherishing and celebrating every moment of life.