Ministry Tools for the Grieving
An overall understanding of grief covers several different topics. These include listening and communication, the basics of mourning and grief, beginning support groups, Christian funerals, healing and minister self-care.
Printed Resources
A wide variety of printed resources can assist grieving people with their loss. Perhaps one of the most well known, by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, is "On Death and Dying." Other materials address topics such as what not to say to a grieving person, how to help, grief and the workplace, stillborn babies, suicide, depression and additional related subjects.
Other Media
Media materials address some of the same topics and also cover additional ones. Media include videotapes, DVDs, CDs and cassettes.The NCMB provides dozens of links through its website to help the grieving person through the grief process.
The grieving person will often feel as though God is distant and far away. Preprinted prayers can help during these times. The prayers of a spiritual adviser or good friend can be of even greater benefit, as the personal touch can go a long way toward encouraging the bereaved.
Support Groups
The NCMB developed an entire support group program, complete with workbooks, facilitated by lay leaders. It provides training for group facilitators and additional resources for the bereaved. Support groups are especially beneficial as the bereaved connect and empathize with each other.
The grieving process may bring up unresolved issues for the bereaved. In some cases, the grieving individual has great difficulty with the loss, perhaps because of tragic circumstances surrounding the death or because the bereaved feels guilty. Whatever the reason, some people need more individualized attention than what a support group can provide. Christian counselors can assist these people in processing and coming to terms with their grief.