Child Bereavement Support Groups
The Dougy Center
When Dougy Turno was dying of brain cancer at age 13, he was able to talk with other sick children and help them talk about their situation. After he died, one of the hospital staff who worked with Dougy started support groups for children and family members facing death. The Dougy center is now 28 years old and serves nearly 400 children and their family members each month. Children, teens and adults meet every other week in groups with others who have experienced the death of a sibling or parent. People are grouped by age, the type of death (murder, suicide, illness, sudden death), and relationship to the deceased.
The Dougy Center
PO Box 86852
Portland, OR 97286
The Healing Place
Leaders in three Northwestern Alabama counties started The Healing Place after learning about The Dougy Center on a television program. In less than a year they had incorporated, built a building, hired a director and opened for business. The Dougy Center provided training to help them get started. They serve children ages 3 to 19 and their families who have lost a loved one. The services are free.
The Healing Place: A Center for Loss and Change
Tuscumbia Alabama Location:
5604 Ricks Lane
P.O. Box 740356
Tuscumbia, Alabama 35674
Michael's Place
Michael's Place provides grief support for children and families at a facility in Traverse City, Michigan. Weekly groups start with a meal at 6 p.m., followed by 75-minute support sessions. The services are at no cost. People of all faiths or no faith are welcome.
Michael's Place
1055 Carriage Hill Drive, Suite 4,
Traverse City, MI 49686
The Center for Grief and Loss for Children
The Center for Grief and Loss for Children has four sites in the Los Angeles area. Therapists and volunteers provide support to children who have lost someone they loved. Play activities help children communicate as they work through their feelings.
The Center for Grief and Loss for Children
924 West 70th St. Los Angeles, CA 90044
1010 N. Central Glendale, CA 91202
37 N. Holliston Ave. Pasadena, CA 91106
33 S. Catalina, Pasadena, CA 91101
Find grief support where you live
Dougy Center provides a search engine for 500 grief counseling centers. Enter your location to find listings in your area. For example, entering London, England in the search engine found three programs:
Barney's Support for Bereaved Young People
1B King St
Kempston Bedfordshire, MK42 8BW
012 34301510St. Christopher's Hospice
Candle Bereavement Project
51-5g Lawrie Park Road
London, SE26 6DZ
00 44- 8778-9252's Wish
Westmoreland House
80-86 Bath Rd.
Cheltenham, GL537JT
440 1242 515157