Information on Mourning the Death of a Loved One
Grief is an emotion people feel when they cope with a loss, especially the loss of a loved one. There is no typical way people grieve because everyone has different personalities and different relationships with the person that has passed away. There is no set amount of time a person will grieve; it just depends on the person.
There are five stages of grief that people go through according to psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. These stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Denial is when a person refuses to believe what is happening and denies it. Anger is when a person gets mad about the loss and places blame on someone. Bargaining occurs when people say things like "If you make this go away I will..." Depression happens when people become so sad they are unable to function. Acceptance occurs at the end when a person is finally able to accept the loss. These stages will not necessarily occur in order, and not every person will go through every stage. It is also possible to come to terms with a loss without going through any of these stages.
Like the different stages of grief, there are different symptoms that people may experience when they are mourning the loss of a loved one. Shock and disbelief are common symptoms and occur when people find it hard to accept a loss. Sadness and anger are also very common symptoms of grief. People might also feel guilty for not doing something or saying something to the person who passed away. Fear may also be felt and manifested in worries about the future and mortality. Physical symptoms like weight fluctuation, insomnia, and aches and pains might be felt after the passing of a loved one as well.
There are different avenues for finding support when mourning a loved one. One is to seek the support of friends and family. Another is to seek comfort from faith. If a person has a religious faith, she can often find support within the religious community. Joining a support group is also another option. Sometimes people feel most comfortable seeking help from a counselor or therapist and being able to talk one-on-one with them.
Complicated Grief
Since there is no set amount of time that a person mourns, grief can last a long time. Complicated grief is grief that lasts for a very long time and inhibits a person from going about everyday life. Denial and anger are some reasons that people feel grief for so long. Also, a feeling that life is meaningless without the person can cause complicated grief.