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What Does an Urn Look Like?
Urns can have a variety of shapes, according to Memorials.com. Urns can take the shapes of Bibles, sports trophies, baby booties, vaults, and sculptures.
Urns are made from different materials such as wood, metal, bronze, glass, marble, and biodegradable products.
The size of an urn varies, according to Urngarden.com. An average body fills a 200 cubic inch urn.
People choose keepsakes if they decide to release some of the ashes. According to Funeral-urn.com, keepsakes are used to hold a smaller amount of ashes, heirlooms, or hair strands.
Pet Urns
According to Urngarden.com, pet urns of 6 to 7 inches are used for small- to medium-sized pets. Larger pets can use adult-sized urns.