What is the temperature calculations formula for time of death?
R = (37 - R) / (1.5 (T - R) + 4)
- R is the rectal temperature of the deceased in Celsius
- T is the ambient (room) temperature in Celsius
1). Measure the rectal temperature (R) of the deceased using a digital rectal thermometer. Insert the thermometer into the rectum for at least 5 minutes, and record the reading.
2). Measure the ambient temperature (T) of the room where the deceased was found using a digital room thermometer.
3). Subtract rectal temperature (R) from 37°C (normal body temperature) to find the temperature difference: 37°C - R.
4). Multiply ambient temperature (T) by -1.5, and add 4: -1.5 (T) + 4.
5). Divide T - R by -1.5(T) + 4.
6). The resulting number is the estimated time since death in hours.
For example, if the rectal temperature is 28°C and the ambient temperature is 20°C, the time since death would be:
R = (37 - 28) / (1.5 (20 - 28) + 4) = 9 / (-12 + 4) = 9 / (-8) = -1.125 hours.
This means that the person has been dead for approximately 1 hour and 7 minutes.