What depicts the best timeline of Black Death?
Spring: The Black Death, caused by the Yersinia pestis bacteria, arrives in Europe through trade routes with Central Asia. It first appears in the port city of Caffa in Crimea.
Summer: The plague spreads rapidly throughout the Crimea and into the Middle East and North Africa.
Fall: The Black Death reaches Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, and begins to spread through the Balkan Peninsula.
Winter: The plague reaches Italy and quickly spreads throughout the country. It then moves into France, Spain, and Germany.
Spring: The Black Death arrives in England and Wales and begins to ravage the population.
Summer: The plague reaches Scandinavia and Iceland.
Fall: The Black Death reaches Russia and Poland.
Winter: The plague continues to spread throughout Europe and reaches its peak. Millions of people have died.
Spring: The plague begins to decline in some areas, but it continues to ravage others.
Summer: The Black Death finally begins to die out in Europe.
The plague reappears in various parts of Europe, but it is no longer as widespread or deadly as it was during the initial outbreak.
The Black Death has a profound impact on Europe. The population is decimated, and the social, economic, and religious structures of society are changed forever.