Who is the Angel of Grief?
The Angel of Grief is a widely popular and iconic sculpture. It is also known as the Weeping Angel.
The Angel of Grief is a monument constructed in 1896 by William Wetmore Story. It is located in Rome, Italy, in the Campo Verano Cemetery.
Here are some details about the Angel of Grief:
1. Design and Symbolism: The sculpture portrays a sorrowful angel draped in loose robes and bent over a tomb, with its face buried in its hands, symbolizing grief and mourning.
2. Tomb of Story's Wife: The monument was originally commissioned by Story to honor his wife, Emelyn Story, who passed away in 1894.
3. Inspiration and Influence: The statue is believed to be influenced by Michelangelo's Pietà and Renaissance funerary art, combining classical and Christian elements to express grief and loss.
4. Material and Crafting: The Angel of Grief is carved out of a single block of white marble, highlighting the intricate details, drapery folds, and emotional intensity captured in the sculpture.
5. Height: The sculpture measures approximately 3 meters (about 9.8 feet) in height, making it a prominent presence in the cemetery.
6. Inscription: On the base of the monument is a Latin inscription, "ET MORITURUS ERAT" ("And he was also to die"), emphasizing the shared mortality and grief experienced by all.
7. Recognition and Influence: The Angel of Grief has become a widely recognized symbol of bereavement, grief, and mourning, influencing other funerary art and literature depicting mourning figures.
8. Visitors' Tribute: Over the years, the sculpture has attracted numerous visitors who lay flowers and pay tribute to those they have lost, turning it into a site of remembrance.