How to Heal From Losing a Pet
Express your emotions. Allow yourself to cry. You can't heal from the pain if you bottle it up. When you feel sad, let it out. Don't worry about what others think. Remember that your pet was a part of your family.
Speak to friends or family members who have pets. You need the support of people who understand what it's like to be close to a beloved pet. Tell them how hurt you feel. Ask for advice. You may have a friend who experienced the loss of a pet who could help you to cope.
Have a memorial service for your pet. This allows you a chance to express your emotions and and to give your pet the tribute she deserves. You can sing songs or read a special poem for your pet. Invite friends or family members, if you choose.
Make a scrapbook containing pictures of your cherished pet. This ensures that you keep your pet in your memory forever. You can look at this book when you need a smile or a reminder of the happy times you spent together.
Speak to a counselor. Many people need extra help coping with pet loss. Call the national ASPCA Pet Loss Hotline at 877-474-3310, or call the Iams Pet Loss Support Hotline at 888-332-7738. Both hotlines offer emotional support to people suffering from the loss of a beloved pet.
Make a donation to an animal shelter. Do this as a way to honor your pet. You will derive some comfort knowing that you are helping animals in need.