How to Live With Grief
Allow yourself to grieve in your own way. Feel free to experience your emotions without judgment or regret. Don't allow the influence of others to convince you that you should express your grief in a particular way.
Express your emotions when you feel the need. Don't hide your feelings in an attempt to put off the grieving process or make others comfortable.
Set aside time to remember your loved one. Dedicate this time to recalling memories, looking at mementos or performing some activity to honor her memory. Focus on good memories of your time together rather than the loss.
Reach out to others for help and support when you need it. Ask family and friends for help with tasks, such as household chores and running errands, you can't handle on your own. Request a friend's or relative's company if you're feeling lonely or need someone to talk to. Likewise, be receptive to accepting help when it's offered.
Gather as much information about grief and coping with loss as you feel you need. Join a support group to listen to the experiences of others and share your own. Read literature, visit websites and watch films relating to grief and the recovery process. Speak with a grief counselor or your spiritual leader (if you have one) to get additional viewpoints and advice.
Focus on maintaining your health in order to combat the physical effects of grief. Eat a regular, balanced diet and incorporate some form of exercise, such as walking, into your day. Make an effort to get restful sleep each night.
Prepare in advance for occasions, such as holidays, birthdays and anniversaries, that may intensify your grief. Make plans to do something that will help you get through particularly painful days. Make arrangements to spend time with friends or family, do something you enjoy or do something to honor your loved one.
Avoid making big decisions or changes while grieving. Wait until you feel capable of rational decision-making.