Mourning the Death of a Pet
Acknowledge your loss. Too often, friends and family diminish the pain of losing a pet by saying it was "just an animal." Insensitive reactions from those around you can magnify your pain by making you feel alienated and as if something is wrong with you for feeling sad. Remember that your feelings of grief are a natural result of loving your pet, and it is important to recognize and work through those emotions in order to mourn your loss.
Accept the many different emotions that can arise during the grieving process. You may have trouble believing at first that your pet is really gone and may expect to see him appear at the door or in his normal spot on the couch. You may feel guilty, blaming yourself for not having done more to treat an illness or for not being more careful if your pet died from an accident. You may feel angry at the driver who hit him, at the veterinarian who couldn't heal him or even at your pet simply for being gone. Realize that all of these feelings are a normal part of the grieving process, and they should lessen with time as you work through your emotions and heal.
Express your emotions. Talk to someone who shares your love for animals and can relate to your sadness in losing your pet. If you don't have anyone to talk to, ask your veterinarian or a local humane society about resources in your area -- such as a loss support group -- for people who have lost a pet. Cry when you feel like crying. Write about your feelings and memories in a journal. Remember all the things you loved about your pet and the good memories you shared.
Find ways to remember and honor your pet. Bury your pet at home or in a pet cemetery and hold a funeral ceremony. Cremate your pet and scatter the ashes in a special location or save them in an ornamental urn. Create a photo album of special pictures of you and your pet. Give a donation to an animal charity in your pet's name.