How to Help My Boyfriend Grieve
Listen to your boyfriend. Encourage him to open up and express his feelings. Do not interrupt him. Just listen with an open mind. He needs to talk about the pain he is feeling without fear of judgment.
Develop empathy. Try to think of a time that you lost someone or went through a grieving process. Remember how difficult it was for you. Think of this time when you are talking to your boyfriend. This will help you understand him better and be more patient.
Offer your assistance to help with routine tasks. Your boyfriend may not have the energy to do a lot of things. Offer him your help, whether it's going to the grocery store or cleaning his house.
Practice patience when dealing with your grieving boyfriend. It may take him months, or even years, to fully recover from his grief. Do not put a timetable on his grief. Never show impatience or say things such as, "You should be over this by now."
Find resources that can help him deal with his grief. Look for support groups in your area and offer to go with him. Get him books from the library or a bookstore that may help him in his grieving.
Encourage professional help if your boyfriend displays certain behaviors. The Web site states to look out for signs that include poor hygiene, withdrawing from friends or abusing drugs. Explain calmly that you are worried for him and want to help him feel better.