How to Apply for the Oregon Health Plan
Things You'll Need
- Identification
- Proof of income
- Student aide status
- Proof of pregnancy
- Proof of American Indian status
- Health insurance information
Fill out an application packet, that you get by calling (800) 359-9517 or TTY (800) 621-5260. You can also get a copy from the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) website listed in Resources.
Turn in the application and get an appointment with a social worker. Take your application into the closest self-sufficiency office. A link to the complete list of offices is included in the resources or call (800) 359-9517. When you turn in the application, they will make an appointment for you to talk with a social worker.
Gather needed documents. Gather the documents listed under "Things You'll Need" that apply to you.
Go to your appointment. Do not be late or they will not take you. They schedule the appointments close together and do not have time to wait around if you are late. Be a few minutes early so you can check in, use the restroom and gather your documents before you are called.
Wait. The social worker will tell you if you need any other documents. If you do, bring them in quickly so you can start receiving benefits. If not, just wait. The social worker will call you in a few days to let you know if you are approved or not. If you do not hear back in 3 to 5 days, feel free to call them. They will probably not be able to talk to you right away, but someone should call you back within one business day.