About Kaiser Health Plans
Family Health Plans
Kaiser offers a variety of affordable family plans based on a family's specific health and budgetary needs. Kaiser does take into account pre-existing medical conditions, and rates are also determined by your state.
Individual Health Plans
For unemployed or self-employed business owners, Kaiser offers competitive rates for individual health insurance plans. Individual plans offer high deductible rates with low co-payments or high co-payments with low deductible rates.
Special Programs and Classes
Kaiser members can also attend special programs and classes presented by Kaiser medical staff. Their Healthy Lifestyle programs includes classes about smoking cessation, weight loss, stress reduction and pain management.
Online Services
Kaiser members also have health/wellness information at their fingertips. The Kaiser website provides the latest health and wellness information. The health manager online feature allows members to keep track of doctor appointments and pharmacy information.
Member Discount Programs
Kaiser members receive special discounts for diet and fitness programs such as Weight Watchers, 10,000 Steps Program and gym memberships. Members also receive special discounts for complementary health programs such as acupuncture and chiropractic care.
Spanish-Language Services
For Spanish-speaking members, Kaiser offers classes and programs in Spanish and also features information in Spanish on their website. Trained customer service representatives are also available to help Spanish-speaking members.
Senior Health Plans
Kaiser offers special health plan discounts for senior members. Seniors also have access to special health and wellness programs that are geared specifically towards seniors.