N.C. Medicaid Benefits
Doctor Services
North Carolina's Medicaid program offers several doctor's services. These include outpatient services such as routine physician care or physical therapy. Any supplies or drugs needed to perform these services will be covered by Medicaid. Medicaid also covers any medically necessary laboratory and X-ray services ordered by a doctor. Most services are free of charge, though some outpatient hospital services require a $3 co-payment.
Hospital Services
Medicaid will cover all necessary inpatient hospital visits in North Carolina, plus all of the qualifying expenses accrued during the visit, such as specialist care and supplies. Medicaid will also cover ambulatory transportation for up to 24 visits a year.
Dental Services
North Carolina's Medicaid program offers full dental coverage. Enrollees can go to the dentist for treatment of any oral diseases or conditions. They can also go to the dentist to maintain adequate dental health and prevent disease and cavities. Those with handicaps related to the mouth are qualified to receive necessary dental procedures.
Preventive Services
North Carolina participates in Medicaid's Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment Program. It's called Health Check in North Carolina. Health Check offers preventive screenings for Medicaid enrollees under the age of 21. The screening includes a full physical examination, nutritional exam, vitals, immunizations, and hearing and vision screenings.
Case Management
Medicaid offers the services of a social worker to provide case management for some enrollees. This includes anyone who has been exposed to abuse or neglect, or been infected with HIV or AIDS.
North Carolina Medicaid enrollees who lack access to a reliable source of transportation can apply for non-emergency transportation, which includes vouchers for bus or taxi fare, in order to get to and from a Medicaid covered services.