MS Medicaid Qualifications
Basic MS Medicaid Requirements
According to the Mississippi Division of Medicaid, applicants must be U.S. citizens or "an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence." All Medicaid participants must be Mississippi residents. All applicants must meet certain financial resources and income requirements to qualify.
Low-income Adults with Children Under 18
The Mississippi Health Benefits Eligibility Guide states that low-income children under 18 can receive MS Medicaid if "deprived of support of one or both parents due to incapacity, death and continued absence or under/unemployment." The children's residential parents, guardians or caretakers may be eligible for MS Medicaid benefits.
MS Medicaid and Supplementary Security Income
If an applicant is eligible for SSI, a disability benefits program based on financial status, he will be automatically eligible for MS Medicaid. The following groups qualify for benefits: disabled children, the blind, the disabled, people eligible for SSSI, the elderly, widowers ages 50 to 65 who do not receive Medicaid benefits, and cost of living recipients.
Children Up to Age 19
Medicaid programs are available for children up to the age of 19 if their family's household income meets the Federal Poverty Level. If the child does not meet MS Medicaid qualifications, she may be eligible for coverage under the Children's Health Insurance Program.
Aged or Disabled
To receive MS Medicaid benefits, applicants must be at least 65 or disabled. A disabled person must meet the Social Security Administration's definition of disability when determining qualifications for disability benefits. Applicants also must meet limited financial resources and income requirements.
Pregnant Women
Pregnant women have two MS Medicaid programs under which they can qualify based solely on their households' size and family incomes. Medical Assistance Program provides Medicaid coverage for children under 18 in low-income families. The Infant Survival Program covers children up to the age of 1 if the pregnant woman's family income does not exceed 185 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. A healthcare professional has to verify the infant's due date for a pregnant woman to qualify for these two Medicaid programs.