Alabama Health Insurance Programs
ALL Kids
ALL Kids offers a health insurance program for children under 19 years of age. The Alabama Department of Public Health sponsors the program, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama administers the plan. The program provides dental, medical, mental health and substance abuse coverage. ALL Kids provides a low-cost health insurance solution for comprehensive health care coverage. The plan does not exclude children with pre-existing conditions and is available to children whose parents do not have U.S. citizenship. Coverage pricing depends on the income and size of the family, and ranges from $50 to $100 per child annually.
ALL Kids
Children's Health Insurance Program
Alabama Department of Public Health
201 Monroe Street, Suite 250
Montgomery, AL 36104
(334) 206-5568
Alabama Health Insurance Plan
Alabama Health Insurance Plan (AHIP), offered through the Alabama State Employees' Insurance Board, provides health insurance programs to any permanent Alabama resident who meets the eligibility qualifications. In order to qualify, residents must not be eligible for other group health care plans, such as those offered by an employer. AHIP offers two plans, the Traditional Indemnity Plan, administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama, and the Managed Care Plan, administered by United HealthCare. The Traditional Indemnity Plan pays up to 80 percentage of medical expenses, including doctors bills, hospital expenses and prescription medications. The Managed Care Plan pays for doctor and hospital bills, with a set, predictable amount paid by policyholders in the form of a co-payment.
Alabama State Employees' Insurance Board
201 South Union Street, Suite 200
Montgomery, AL 36104
(334) 263-8341
Alabama Farmers Federation
The Alabama Farmers Federation offers health care coverage to members through its Alfa Health Plan. Any Alabama resident can become a member of the Federation. Membership does not include health care coverage, and like any health care program, members must qualify for an Alfa Health Plan policy. Members who qualify can then purchase a policy in the Alfa Health Plan and enjoy the benefits offered by the program. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama administers the health insurance program, which offers coverage for the self-employed, individuals and small businesses. Applicants over 65 years of age, those already covered by a Blue Cross Blue Shield group health plan, and those eligible for Medicare coverage are not eligible for the Alfa Health Plan. The Alfa Health Plan offered by the Federation provides a much lower group rate than similar programs offered as individual health plans. Alabama Farmers Federation also offers members the Alfa Dental Plan, administered by Delta Dental Insurance Company.
Alabama Farmers Federation
P.O. Box 11000
Montgomery, Alabama 36191
(334) 288-3900