How to Obtain Individual Health Insurance Policies for an Infant

A newborn child requires extra medical attention during the first few years of life, and in order to cover the high medical costs, an infant health insurance policy should be purchased. According to, infant health insurance not only offsets the cost of medical care but ensures excellent care and attention, gives parents confidence to pursue medical care for their child without fear of costs, and will maximize a child's health potential. Three ways to obtain infant health insurance policies are through employer-sponsored plans, private health insurance or state assistance.


  1. Steps to Obtain an Infant Health Insurance Policy

    • 1

      Examine your existing health insurance policy. If you are currently on an employer-based group plan, ask if you can add your infant to the plan. These plans are often affordable and offer comprehensive coverage.

    • 2

      Purchase a private plan for your baby if your employer does not offer health insurance, or if you already have a private plan, check to see if you can add a new family member. It is often cheaper to start a new policy than add a new family member to an existing plan, according to, so compare local rates to find the cheapest plan with the most coverage.

    • 3

      Get assistance through Medicaid or CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program) if you are unable to afford health insurance in the private market. According to, each state's Medicaid and CHIP programs vary, but generally, children in families that make up to $44,500 per year (for a family of four) are eligible, and the programs cover all the basic health needs of your child.

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