Georgia Medicaid Income Requirements
Requirements to Qualify for Medicaid
According to Family and Children Services of Georgia, you need to meet the basic requirements in order to successfully qualify for Medicaid services. There are several different kinds of programs within Medicaid and there are different income requirements for each of them. You have to be a citizen of the United States, have a valid Social Security number and reside in Georgia to be eligible.
Medicaid for the Elderly and Disabled
If you are aged, blind or disabled, there are two different Medicaid programs available for you. The Nursing Homes Medicaid helps aged, blind or disabled individuals who live in nursing homes. If you are in this group but can receive special care at home, then you can qualify under the Community Care Medicaid program. The income limit for both programs is $24,264 per year. There also is a Medicaid Hospice program that helps people who are ill and not expected to live more than six months. The hospice income requirement is also $24,264 per year. If you receive supplementary Social Security, you cannot exceed the income of $8,088 per year for an individual and $12,132 for couples to be eligible for Medicaid.
Medicaid for Low-Income Adults and Children
If you meet the standards of the old Aid to Families with Dependent Children program in Georgia, you and your children are eligible for Medicaid. Yearly income limit guidelines set by the Georgia Department of Community Health are: Family size of one ($2,820); two ($4,272); three ($5,088); four ($6,000).
Medicaid for Pregnant Women and Their Infants
A program called Right From the Start Medicaid helps adults and newborns who are at or below 200 percent of federal poverty level. Yearly income limit guidelines are: Family size of one ($21,660); two ($29,148); three ($36,624); four ($44,100).
Medicaid for Children
Right From the Start Medicaid also helps children who are one year of age and under, one to five years of age and six to 19 years of age. Your income should be at or below 185 percent for children one year of age and under; 133 percent for children one to five years of age; and 100 percent for children six to 19 years of age. The yearly income limitation guidelines set by the Georgia Department of Community Health are:
For children one year of age and under: Family size of one ($20,040); two ($26,964); three ($33,876); four ($40,800).
For children one to five years of age: Family size of one ($14,412); two ($19,380); three ($24,360); four ($29,328).
For children six to nineteen years of age: Family size of one ($10,836); two ($14,580); three ($18,312); four ($22,056).
Medically Needy Program
Individuals and families who are medically needy but exceed the income limitation may still be eligible for a program called Medically Needy.