How do I Apply for VA Benefits in Houston, Texas?
Things You'll Need
- Computer with Internet access
- Separation papers or DD214 form
- Copies of medical records
- Copies of marriage certificate or divorce decree
- Copies of children's birth certificates
- Copies of records of adoption for any adopted children
- Nursing home payment and residence status if in a nursing home
Applying Online
Navigate to the VONAPP, or Veterans Online Application, website and click on "Start VONAPP."
Fill out VA Form 21-526 and submit online. For this you will need the following information: Active Duty, National Guard Duty, or Reserve Duty information; list of military benefits you receive and the amounts you receive; list of disabilities you are claiming; information about exposures that caused the disabilities you are claiming; information about your spouse and children; information about your training and employment history; information about your nursing home, if you live in a nursing home; and information about your income and net worth.
Fill out VA Form 28-1900. This form is a questionnaire that evaluates your need for disability assistance and vocational rehabilitation and support.
Fill out VA Form 22-1990. For this you will need the following information: Active Duty, National Guard Duty, or Reserve Duty information; benefits eligibility information and Selected Reserve information.
Print out copies of all forms you fill out so that you will have back-up documentation.
Mail in all supporting forms and documentation, which differ depending on your situation and which benefits you are trying to claim.
Applying at the Houston Regional Office
Go to the Houston Regional Office. Here they will assist you in the benefits application process.
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Houston Regional Office
6900 Almeda Road
Houston, TX 77030
Fill out the the three VA forms. Employees can assist you with any questions you may have in the application process. They also can help you petition to receive benefits to which you feel you are entitled if for any reason you are denied them.
Provide the Houston office with all supporting documentation.