How to Qualify for Indiana Medicaid or Hoosier Healthwise
Consult the Family Income and Asset Guide for Hoosier Healthwise Eligibility to determine if your financial situation qualifies your family for Medicaid (see Resources). When factoring in family size, count unborn children but not step-parents. When determining income, deduct $90 if you hold a job and up to $200 if you pay for childcare. Subtract $50 if a child in your home receives child support. Deduct 40 percent of your gross income if you're self-employed.
Complete an application for Hoosier Healthwise. Print an application (see Resources), pick up one from the local Family Resource office in your area or call the Indiana Family and Social Service Administration office and request one by mail. Answer each question honestly, sign the application and initial the second paragraph beneath section 15 indicating that you agree to pay monthly premiums if your income meets criteria for your enrollment in Hoosier Healthwise Package C. According to the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, your willingness to pay a premium, if asked, is a determining factor in the application approval process if your household income does not qualify your family to receive no-cost-to-you Medicaid. FSSA will not consider your application for enrollment in the premium-based Hoosier Healthwise Package C plan unless you agree to pay a monthly premium.
Make copies of recent pay stubs, proof of citizenship documents or immigration cards and private insurance cards for all members of your household. If you can't provide a recent pay stub, obtain a letter from your employer stating your income for the last month. If anyone in your household is pregnant and applying for Hoosier Healthwise, you must provide a document signed by a nurse or doctor verifying the pregnancy and the date it began, according to the Indiana FSSA.
Submit your application for Hoosier Healthwise by taking it to a Family Resource center or enrollment center near you (see Resources).
Speak to a Benefit Advocate before leaving the enrollment center. A Benefit Advocate will discuss physician choices available to your family. Tell the Benefit Advocate if you have a physician preference. According to FSSA, you have 30 days from your enrollment date to select a physician. After 30 days, FSSA will select one on your behalf.