How to Reset the ClearBlue Monitor

A ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor helps a woman identify her most fertile days, or what days she would have the best chance of conceiving a child. The monitor measures hormones found in urine, as well as cycle information entered by the woman, to determine the most fertile days. The monitor stores this information for up to six months to help the user identify their cycle and any patterns that may emerge. If you are starting new fertility drugs, or are doing something else that may alter your cycle and you wish to clear the stored data so it is not used by the monitor to determine your most fertile days, you can reset the device.


    • 1

      Power off the monitor by pressing the "Power" button.

    • 2

      Unwrap a new test stick. Insert the test stick into the test slot.

    • 3

      Press and hold down the "Power" while simultaneously pressing the "M" button, on the right hand side of the device. After a period of time, a test stick icon will appear on the screen, followed by multiple icons. Release the buttons once the multiple icons appear. This may take a couple of minutes.

    • 4

      Remove the test stick by gently pulling it out of the test screen slot. The screen should now display two blinking lines in the cycle day indicator section.

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