How to Calculate the Rhythm Method
Things You'll Need
- Calendar
- Six to 12 months' of data (start dates of previous menstrual cycles)
- Pencil or pen
- Notepad (optional)
Count and note the number of days in each of (at least) the past six months from the start of one menstrual period to the next. Find the months with the shortest fertility cycles (24 days long) and the longest fertility cycles (35 days long). You will use this information for your calculations.
Reduce the number of days in your shortest cycle (24) by 18. This means that you subtract 18 from 24 to get a result of 6. According to the rhythm method, this means that your first fertile day is on the sixth day following the onset of your period.
Use the number of days in your longest cycle to determine the end of peak fertility. Subtract 10 from the number of days in the cycle (35); your answer will be 25. This means that beginning on Day 26 after the start of a menstrual period you will be less likely to conceive.
Interpret the above results to mean that from the sixth to the 25th day in each cycle you should either avoid intercourse (practice abstinence) or use another means of birth control, unless becoming pregnant is your goal. If desired, note the dates of the month that the sixth through the 25th days of your cycle fall on, as a reminder. Use this information as an approximate guide for the upcoming month to predict fertility.
Continue to monitor subsequent cycles, and be alert to any changes in your fertility pattern. Constant vigilance is required to use the rhythm method successfully.