Natural Health & Fertility
Lifestyle Choices
According to Families of America, certain lifestyle choices increase fertility levels. Maintaining proper weight and size, eating a highly nutritious diet, getting adequate (but not excessive) exercise and keeping stress levels low all increase chances of conception for both men and women. Stress can actually inhibit ovulation in women and decrease the quality and quantity of sperm for men. High stress, a poor diet and excessive or too little exercise might also unbalance hormones, which can decrease fertility levels.
Ovulation Method
Calculating when a woman ovulates--or when she produces an egg ready to be fertilized--is an important component of any natural treatment for fertility or natural methods of family planning. The Ovulation Method, researched by Dr. John Billings and endocrinologist James B. Brown, is a scientifically proven method of calculating a woman's fertile period based on natural signs produced by the body, such as cervical mucus. By charting regular "windows of fertility"--a term coined by Dr. Allen Wilcox in 1995 that established that window as approximately five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation--women cannot only learn to recognize fertile days, but also predict patterns. According to a World Health Organization study, 93 percent of women taught the Ovulation Method could interpret their fertility patterns within the first teaching cycle.
Herbs to Improve a Woman's Fertility
Herbs are one method natural practitioners use to increase fertility, according to homeopathic practitioner Gioia Atzori. For women, three of these fertility herbs are chasteberry, black cohosh and Siberian ginseng.
Chasteberry is believed to stimulate ovulation and stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete luteinizing hormone (LH), an important hormone in the ovulation cycle. Chasteberry has been used to help treat infertility issues and repeated miscarriages by natural practitioners.
Black cohosh has been used by Native Americans for an indeterminate number of generations to treat menstrual disorders and certain problems related to pregnancy. This herb is believed to help balance estrogen levels, which may reduce fertility problems related to menstrual cycle issues, fibroids and endometriosis. Black cohosh is an herb of choice to help promote fertility in women over 35 and to retain early pregnancies. However, expert consultation is especially needed with this herb, as it may cause uterine contractions.
Siberian ginseng is a Chinese medicinal herb employed to promote healthy blood flow to reproductive organs and stimulate conception.
Herbs to Increase Fertility in Men
Herbs can also be used to treat low fertility in men, according to homeopathic practitioner Gioia Atzori. These include horny goat weed, gotu kola and gokshura.
The aptly named horny goat weed is used to improve sexual performance, promote healthy seminal emissions and support testosterone levels. It may also increase sperm count.
Gotu kola is believed to strengthen the connective tissue of blood vessel walls in the seminiferous tubules, where sperm is made. It is also used to increase longevity and promote rejuvenation.
Gokshura is an herb used to increase libido and hormones like DHEA, testosterone and estrogen in men. It also calms the nervous system and helps promote relaxation, as stress can inhibit fertility and healthy sperm production.
Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine is used alone or in conjunction with other natural and conventional methods to increase chances of fertility. Treatments in Chinese medicine usually involve individualized acupuncture sessions and herbal formulas.
Habits That Decrease Fertility
According to the Natural Health and Fertility Center, certain behaviors decrease the likelihood of conception and/or pregnancy. These include smoking cigarettes, consuming caffeine and alcohol, excessive exercise and poor nutrition.
Smoking is associated with lower fertility levels in women especially, and is linked with In-vitro fertilization (IVF) failure. It also decreases semen volume in men. Caffeine effects estrogen production and metabolism, is associated with tubal factor infertility and infertility related to endometriosis, as well as delayed conception time and spontaneous abortion. Unhealthy levels of alcohol consumption (between one and eight drinks a week, depending on the study) are associated with various fertility issues, including spontaneous abortion.
Contraceptive Herbs
Herbs have been used in natural health practices and indigenous medicine to help reduce chances of conception and/or pregnancy. These include wild yam, pomegranate, Queen Anne's Lace (or wild carrot) seeds, rutin, smartweed leaves and apricot kernels. Neem oil has also been used as an oral contraceptive for both men and women.