Side Effects of Mercilon
Features and Usage
Mercilon is a medication used for the prevention of pregnancy. Mercilon is 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy when used as directed.
The effective ingredients are desorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol, synthetic hormones used to suppress ovulation in females. The active hormones are found in 21 of the month's 28 pills. The remaining seven pills are placebo pills. When the 28th pill has been taken, the patient is to start a new pack of pills.
Cardiovascular Risks
As with all contraceptive pills, an increased risk of blood clot, stroke and/or heart attack are associated with Mercilon usage. Any drug increasing the amount of estrogen within a patient's body poses similar cardiovascular risks. Smoking while taking Mercilon greatly increases the risks to the cardiovascular system, so users of Mercilon are strongly advised not to smoke.
Mercilon should not be consumed by patients who have any type of blood-clotting disorder such as thrombosis, history of heart attack or stroke, any form of liver disease, tumors of the liver, history of cancer in the genitals or breasts, vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, progressed diabetes with involvement of the vascular system, or a suspected or known pregnancy.
Side Effects
Side effects of Mercilon include tenderness of the breasts, migraine headaches, depression, changes in sexual desire, nausea, vomiting, fluid retention, changes in body weight ,and vaginal secretion changes. These side effects are considered minor and usually subside within the first few months of taking Mercilon.
Patients who experience extreme leg pain, impaired breathing or skin rashes should discontinue use of Mercilon and contact their physician immediately.
It is known that certain antibiotic drugs, herbal supplements such as Saint John's wort, and the missing or skipping of contraceptive pills can result in their failure and may result in an unplanned pregnancy. It is important to take Mercilon once per day at the same time to obtain maximum protection against unwanted pregnancy.
Taking the Mercilon pill at a time in which you do something else routinely (i.e., upon waking or sleeping) may make it easier for you to remember to take the pill. If you miss a pill, consult your Mercilon pamphlet to decide what the next course of action will be, and to see if you are still protected against pregnancy.