Where to Get HCG
HCG is the abbreviation for Human chorionic gonadotropin. It is a hormone produced naturally in the body during pregnancy, mostly in the mother's placenta. It is thought to signal to the hypothalamus to rid the body of excess fatty tissue.
Its original proponent was the British endocrinologist A.T.W. Simeon, who in the middle of the last century developed a very low calorie diet (VLCD). He found that patients to whom he administered HCG were able to follow the diet, losing body fat rapidly while preserving lean body mass. He published his findings on this in a 1971 manuscript called "Pounds and Inches."
In a double-bling study, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that HCG in itself did not accelerate weight loss. It carries health risks as well, since it is a hormone, and upsets the body's natural balance of these chemicals. In men it is especially dangerous, with long-term use eventually inhibiting natural testosterone production.
HCG is only available by prescription, and is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as a weight-loss drug. Many Internet pharmacies offering HCG do not make this clear, and give confusing and incorrect dosage information. In its injectable form, purchasers also run major risks in injecting themselves incorrectly.
If you decide you must try HCG for weight loss, research a doctor in your area who supervises courses of the drug specifically for that purpose. Make sure you get detailed instructions on its use and regularly attend follow-up visits.