Fertility Blend Success Stories
Fertility Indications
Whether or not you are fertile depends on a lot of different factors, which all need to be addressed. One particularly is your age. Another factor in determining fertility deals with having a regular menstrual cycle. A regular cycle is 28 days and can tell the doctor that you are ovulating regularly. Regular ovulation indicates that you are producing eggs.
Fertility Blend is the only multi-ingredient supplement that can be taken my men and women. One particular benefit of Fertility Blend is that it gradually improves the chances of conceiving without the side effects that have plagued other products. The ingredients for women consist of chasteberry, L-arginine, vitamins, minerals and green tea. For men the ingredients are similar except for ferulic acid, which helps in sperm quality. These supplements each target the areas of reproduction to help increase the chance of pregnancy.
According to a small 2004 Stanford University trial, recipients experienced better ovulation and five out of 15 women became pregnant versus the placebo group where none became pregnant. In a 2006 study, After six months, 17 of the 53 women who took Fertility Blend became pregnant versus, and four of the 40 women in the placebo group were pregnant.
The prices for Fertility Blend ranges from $9 to $51. There are numerous places where it can be purchased. By doing a quick Google search you can come up with Fertility Blend on early-pregnancy-test.com, which has many varieties for women and men. This product can be easily mailed to your home for convenience and privacy.
Fertility Blend has received favorable national media attention, not only in women's magazines, but also in publications such as the Washington Times and the Wall Street Journal. In 2005, Readers Digest called FertilityBlend a breakthrough natural product.