Can You Get Pregnant on a Mirena IUD?
The Mirena intrauterine device (IUD) releases the hormone levonorgestrel, which helps prevent pregnancy. It can be maintained in place for up to 5 years.
An IUD is a small plastic device in the shape of a T. It is inserted in the uterus, and neither the woman nor her partner should be able to feel it.
The Mirena IUD is more than 99 percent effective against pregnancy. TeensHealth from the Nemours Foundation considers Mirena to be very effective because less than 1 in 100 couples became pregnant in studies conducted over a one-year period.
How It Works
Mirena works in a variety of ways. It may increase the cervical mucus, blocking the entrance of sperm; thin out the walls of the uterus, prohibiting egg attachment; or stop the release of eggs from the ovaries.
Although the Mirena IUD has a high effectiveness rate against pregnancy, it does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases; only abstinence and condoms can assist with that protection. Additionally, the small percentage of women who get pregnant while using an IUD are more likely to have an ectopic (outside the uterus) pregnancy, which requires emergency medical attention.