How to Prevent Cystitis from Birth Control
Things You'll Need
- Personal lubricant
Make sure your diaphragm fits well, if you use this form of birth control and frequently suffer from cystitis. Planned Parenthood states that a misfitted diaphragm can lead to irritation and the introduction of bacteria that may lead to infection. A diaphragm that is not the right size may also not protect you well from pregnancy.
Wash your diaphragm well after using to avoid bacterial growth that can lead to infection. Use a mild soap and warm water. Let the device air dry before putting storing in its case.
Try switching brands of spermicide if you feel this is the source of your irritation. The chemicals in some types of spermicide, include nonoxynol-9, can be especially irritating to delicate tissues and may lead to symptoms of painful urination. Keep track of the brands you use to see if one particular product relieves your symptoms.
Use a non-spermicidal personal lubricant in conjunction with condoms, if this barrier method is your preferred form of birth control. The lubrication can ease irritation caused by condoms, but does not contain harsh chemicals that are included in spermicidal creams or foams.
Prevent cystitis by transitioning to a hormonal form of birth control. Hormonal contraceptives, such as the pill or injections, do not create a physical barrier that can lead to bacterial infections or irritation of the bladder and surrounding tissues.
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