What Is the Essure Contraceptive Procedure?
Essure is a tiny plastic coil that is inserted through the cervix into a woman's fallopian tube during an outpatient procedure. Over time, it provides birth control that lasts a lifetime.
A local anesthetic is given during the procedure to help ease discomfort. No cutting is necessary. A physician uses a hysteroscope, which has a small camera on the end, to guide the Essure devices into the fallopian tubes.
The body's own tissues will grow around the coils, eventually blocking the fallopian tubes and preventing ovulation. The doctor will X-ray the abdomen 90 days after Essure insertion to ensure the fallopian tubes are blocked and no pregnancy can occur.
A woman must still use contraceptives (except the IUD) or condoms to prevent pregnancy in the 90 days after insertion.
Side Effects
Mild to moderate abdominal pain and light vaginal bleeding are common after the Essure procedure. A woman's monthly period most likely will continue as normal until she reaches menopause. In rare cases, an ectopic pregnancy could occur.