How to Use Husband-Coached Childbirth Techniques
Things You'll Need
- An understanding and dedicated husband
- A pregnant mother that wants her husband to be heavily involved in the birth of her baby
Becoming a great coach
Start by developing a birth plan. This plan can included everything from where you want to have your baby to whether or not you want to use drugs. Develop this plan early on the pregnancy and stick to it once the baby is ready to come.
Determine the best relaxation techniques. By figuring out what helps you stay relaxed as a pregnant woman, you will be that much more prepared once it is time to have a baby. Figuring out what makes you the most comfortable means determining how you want to lay in bed during labor and what you want going on around around (TV on or off, music playing in the background, etc.).
Practice every single night with your wife. Help her get into a relaxed state of mind by pretending labor has begun and simulating what you will do in this situation that you will eventually really face. That means focusing in on relaxation methods every night until you feel comfortable doing them without even thinking.
Practice the "head in pillow" technique. This technique is a great way to relax. Imagine your wife's head as being very heavy and think of the strength needed by her neck and shoulders to keep it up. Help her practice laying down in bed and letting her neck and shoulders go completely limp. tell her to envision her head "sinking into the pillow" and experiencing the relief that she would feel by not having to hold her head up. This will really help in labor.
Practice breathing. There are many different methods that as a husband you can help your wife with. Some are better than others and you just have to figure out the one that works best for the both of you.