Family Planning Clinics in Carrollton, Georgia
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood has offices nationwide that offer services to women that include health education, distribution of birth control and contraception services, emergency contraception and HIV testing services. The closest Planned Parenthood office to Carollton is about an hour west, in Atlanta.
Georgia Department of Community Health
Carrollton, which is the county seat of Carroll County, is located in District 4 of the Georgia Department of Community Health's statewide family planning services program. Run through the local health department, the state program seeks to reduce unwanted teen pregnancy and improve the health of unborn babies and their mothers through the implementation of basic health-care services, especially for those who cannot afford them.
Tanner Health System
Tanner Health System is the primary health-care system in the Carrollton area, with two maternity wards in Carrollton and nearby Villa Rica. Tanner offers a full range of prenatal and postnatal care. Tanner Health Systems also offers prenatal classes on childbirth and the Tanner Health Source program, which offers its patients a wide range of information on different medical conditions, including pregnancy.
Women's Care of West Georgia
Women's Care of West Georgia is located in nearby Villa Rica, Ga. Headed by Dr. Eric Vera, this facility offers pregnant women services that include urinary incontinence, infertility, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual bleeding, menopause and laparoscopic surgeries. They also offer health examinations and prenatal and postnatal care for mother and child.
Rapid Screening Centers
The Rapid Screening Center located closest to Carrollton is in Marietta, which is just outside of Atlanta. These centers offer sexual screenings for sexually transmitted disease and HIV, as well as DNA and paternity testing. This is a great, low-cost option for prospective mothers who need routine tests and they can get the results quickly.