How to Share a Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor

The trials and tribulations of trying to conceive can be expensive. Thankfully, many products on the market will allow a woman to know what her best days to conceive are from the comfort of her own home. One of these products is the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor. This monitor will tell a woman her fertility level--low, high or peak--for each day in her cycle. She tests within a six-hour period each morning and receives her results within five minutes. You have to buy the monitor and non-reusable sticks, but can lower the cost by sharing a monitor with a friend.

Things You'll Need

  • Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor
  • Testing sticks
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  1. How to Share the Monitor

    • 1

      Split the cost of a Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor with a friend or relative.

    • 2

      Buy sticks to use with the monitor. You can buy a bundle and split them, as you may need as few as 10 sticks each cycle, but the sticks themselves are non-reusable.

    • 3

      Decide on a schedule for who uses the monitor. Since the monitor does not have the capacity for multiple users, the monitor must know the correct day of your cycle in order to ask you to test. Since there is no way for you to skip from the first day of your cycle to the current day of your cycle manually, you both cannot use the monitor during the same month.

    • 4

      Begin to use the monitor if you have it first. A great way to share it is to use it every other month, use it in three-month intervals or use it for half the year.

    • 5

      Reset the monitor when it is your turn to use it again. It must be reset in order to erase your friend's information from the memory.

    How to Reset the Monitor

    • 6

      Turn off the monitor and put a clean testing stick, with the cap on, into the monitor. Ensure that it snaps into place before continuing.

    • 7

      Find the "m" button on the right side of the monitor. Press it, and hold while you turn the monitor on.

    • 8

      Watch for the sign telling you to remove the stick, and continue to hold the "m" button until the entire screen fills with different symbols.

    • 9

      Take the stick out of the monitor, and let go of the "m" button.

    • 10

      Look for the "m" in the lower right corner of the testing window and two dashes in the upper left corner. If you see these, then your monitor has been successfully reset.

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