Generic Vs. Name Brand Birth Control

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a generic drug is the same as a name-brand drug. The medications must have the same dosage, effectiveness, use, safety, performance and quality. Generic birth control pills generally cost less than name-brand medications while having the same active ingredients. Generic drugs may be manufactured after a patent has expired on the name-brand drug.
  1. History

    • When a company begins to make a new birth control pill, it obtains a patent so that it can be the only party to sell the drug. Once the patent on the drug has expired, generic drug manufacturers may begin to sell the drug with the same active ingredients without replicating clinical trials. This lowers production costs and allows for the drug to be sold at a cheaper rate than the name-brand counterpart.


    • According to the FDA, it is a misconception that generic birth control pills are inferior to their name-brand counterparts. Generic oral contraceptives are made with the same active ingredients and tested to be sure they have the same efficacy as brand-name oral contraceptives. It is also a misconception that brand-name birth control is safer than generic. Both generic and name-brand oral contraceptives are regulated by the FDA.


    • For the FDA to approve a generic birth control pill, it must be shown to have the same bio-equivalency as the name-brand version. That means the drugs must react the same in the patient and have the same effectiveness. Generic birth control is not required to physically look the same as brand name, so there will be variations in packaging and color. Generic and brand-name birth control pills must both pass safety testing by the FDA.

    Expert Insight

    • The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) stated in August of 2007 that it supports patient use of either generic or name-brand birth control pills. ACOG supports the use of whichever oral contraceptive is in the patient's best interest. It supports use of branded birth control when concerns about packaging or clinical experience would suggest that name-brand birth control is best for the patient.


    • Not every name-brand oral contraceptive on the market has a generic equivalent. If your brand of birth control does have a generic version, it may be more cost-effective to use the generic. Generic birth control is regulated the same as name brand and has the same active ingredients. Prior to making any switch in medication, discuss your options with your physician.

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