Can You Get Pregant Being on the IUD?
What is an IUD?
An intrauterine device (or IUD) is a small piece of plastic shaped like a T that is inserted into your uterus as a birth control device. Two kinds of IUDs are available in the United States: ParaGard and Mirena. One device can last for up to five years.
How Does an IUD Work?
An IUD may prevent pregnancy by stopping the sperm from reaching the egg as well as preventing the egg from implanting into the uterine wall.
The ParaGard Copper IUD is a small piece of plastic wrapped with natural copper and does not affect the body's menstrual cycle.
The Mirena IUD releases small amounts of lovonorgestrel directly into the uterus. As well as the above reasons for preventing pregnancy, the Mirena IUD also may thicken the cervical mucus to prevent a barrier to sperm from entering the uterus as well as causing the lining of your uterus to be thin and therefore the egg has no place to implant.
Neither of these devices should prevent an ovary from releasing an egg.
Chances of Becoming Pregnant
The likelihood of becoming pregnant with an IUD correctly inserted is slim. According to the ParaGard prescribing information, fewer than one in one hundred women will get pregnant using the ParaGard IUD. The Mirena patient information, lists the same risk factor of getting pregnant with proper use: less than one in one-hundred.
Warnings and Precautions
According to both sets of prescribing information, if a woman becomes pregnant while using an IUD, regardless of type, there is a higher than normal risk of an ectopic pregnancy. This is when the egg implants in the fallopian tubes and is a
Should you become pregnant while the IUD is in place, your health care provider will recommend that it be removed. That removal can cause a miscarriage. However, to continue the pregnancy with the IUD in place can also have its risks: infection or shock, premature labor, miscarriage or even death.
If You Think You Are Pregnant
If you think that you are pregnant and are using an IUD as your main form of birth control, it is recommended that you see your health care provider at your earliest convenience to rule out the possibility.