How to Increase Sperm Count Post Vasectomy Reversal
Eat sperm-friendly foods. Certain foods contain vitamins and minerals that are critical to healthy sperm production. In particular, the mineral zinc is considered essential to male fertility and improving sperm counts. According to, studies have found that men with inadequate levels of zinc had lower sperm count and poorer sperm motility than men with normal levels. Zinc can be found in foods such as beef, chicken, lamb, pork, crab meat, lobster, salmon, brown rice, beans, peanuts, and pumpkin seeds. Other beneficial vitamins and minerals include folic acid (found in leafy green vegetables), vitamin C (found in citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and tomatoes), selenium (found in Brazil nuts, walnuts, eggs, and chicken), vitamin E (found in sunflower seeds, nuts, and wheat germ), and the amino acid L-arginine (found in beef, chicken, chickpeas, and soy).
Make lifestyle changes. Sperm count can be damaged by certain innocuous-seeming habits and activities. For example, intense or prolonged exposure to heat can kill sperm, thus lowering sperm counts. Men post-vasectomy reversal should steer clear of hot baths, saunas, hot tubs, tight-fitting pants, and brief underwear, all of which can overheat the scrotum. In addition, according to, bicycle rides that last more than 30 minutes should be avoided, as should prolonged sitting, due to the heat these activities can create in the groin.
Avoid environmental toxins. Cigarette and marijuana smoke, pesticides, chemicals, and excessive amounts of alcohol can damage or kill sperm, thus lowering sperm counts. Fertility expert Dr. Randine Lewis also reports that non-organic milk and meat can contain synthetic estrogen, which can impair the healthy development of sperm. Men seeking to improve their sperm count post-vasectomy reversal should try to minimize or eliminate their exposure to these toxins.