IUD Problems
Pelvic Infection
Women can develop pelvic infections with the use of an IUD. Women can also suffer infections related to the insertion of the device. Women with multiple sexual partners increase their risk of pelvic infections while using an IUD.
The IUD does not offer any protection from sexually transmitted diseases. The IUD device is only designed to prevent a pregnancy. Other protective measures should be used to prevent STDs.
An IUD is a costly form of birth control if used for the short term. IUDs range from $250 to $450. An IUD must be inserted and removed by a health care provider.
According to Children's Hospital Boston, menstrual bleeding and cramping can increase once the IUD is inserted. Spotting between periods and longer periods can also occur.
During insertion a rare but serious complication---the IUD puncturing the uterus---can occur. Spontaneous expulsion of the IUD also happens in 2 to 10 percent of patients.