Can a 17 year old mom get emancipated and move with her 22 boyfriend in new york?
In New York, a 17-year-old minor can apply for emancipation through the family court system. However, emancipation proceedings in New York typically involve specific circumstances such as neglect, abuse, abandonment, or exceptional maturity and self-sufficiency far beyond that of 17-year-olds. Emancipation is generally not pursued or authorized solely because a minor teen wishes to leave home and start living with a romantic partner.
Moreover, it's highly unlikely that a 17-year-old minor's request to move in with a 22-year-old boyfriend would suffice as a compelling argument for the court to emancipate them for that sole purpose. The best path forward generally lies in communicating openly and responsibly with their legal guardians before taking any potential step that could complicate family dynamics further and strain existing legal bonds between a minor and their legal custodians and/or parents.