Types of Prenatal Classes
Birthing Class
The most common type of prenatal class is the birthing class. This class explains in detail the different methods of birthing such as Lamaze and the Bradley Method. You are taught breathing and relaxation techniques, as well as ways to manage pain during labor and how to install the baby's car seat in the car. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the process of birth, so that you are completely prepared and know what to expect when the time comes.
Breastfeeding Class
The breastfeeding class is designed to teach you everything you need to know if you are planning to breastfeed your newborn. Learn different latching techniques and positions in order for you and your baby to have the best breastfeeding experience possible as well as resources and tips for when you have trouble. Breastfeeding can be frustrating for mom and baby. Take this class to prepare for potential setbacks and learn valuable solutions.
A parenting or newborn care class teaches you the basics of taking care of your newborn. Learn valuable information about feeding, changing, and caring for your new baby. There are many unknowns when becoming a new parent, such as when to call the doctor when the baby has a temperature or how often the baby should be nursing and many more. Take a parenting class to prepare yourself for some of these unknowns before they occur.
Sibling Class
A sibling class is for families with older children who may not understand how a new baby will change their family. The child learns how to hold a baby and about some of the things that they can and cannot do with a newborn. This class gives the child a more realistic explanation about when the baby is coming and how their lives will be different once the baby comes. The sibling class also gives the child an avenue to express some of his fears and talk through them before the baby arrives.