How to Become an Egg Donor in Kentucky
Take a prequalification screening such as the one offered by the University of Kentucky Women's Health Care Department. Other programs may accept women up to age 35, but the university's program requires donors to be between the ages of 21 and 32. Egg donors also must be non-smokers with a body mass index of 30 or less.
Typical data sought on the screening includes age, height, weight, number of previous pregnancies and education level. Some questionnaires will ask if you were adopted, and another blank may be left to list your reason for wanting to become an egg donor.
Apply online at one of the websites for donation clinics in Kentucky, including, or Or apply in person at Fertility Clinic of Louisville, 225 Portland Ave., Louisville, or at Institute for Reproductive Health, 6900 Houston Rd., Building 600, Suite 450, Florence.
Set up an appointment once a fertility center contacts you. Write down a list of pertinent questions, based on your health status, to ask the center staff. If you have experience with sexually transmitted disease, hysterectomy or diabetes, ask if any of these conditions would prevent you from becoming an egg donor.
Submit to any blood screening or ultrasound testing the staff may use to determine the presence of genetic mutations, drug or alcohol abuse, or infectious diseases.