How to Prepare for IVF Number Three
Get emotionally prepared for IVF number three. You have gone through IVF twice before, so you know the emotional toll it can take. A therapist trained to deal with infertility issues can be especially helpful in getting you emotionally prepared for this round. Since this is not your first time using IVF, you may want to work through any issues you have from previous pregnancies or losses prior to previous IVF treatments.
Get physically prepared. Your body needs to be prepared, not just for IVF, but for pregnancy. Cutting out caffeine, tobacco and alcohol and adding light exercise prior to treatment should continue just as it did in the past. A prenatal vitamin taken daily is also suggested before your IVF procedure. Besides that, other pre-treatments such as taking a gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist may also be used prior to IVF number three.
Financially prepare yourself. IVF is an expensive process, and if you have already done it twice prior to this, you may be hurting financially (unless it is covered by your insurance, in which case this step would be irrelevant for you). Prior to IVF number three, you will want to avoid adding more debt by saving up enough money to cover the treatment and any other associated medical bills. In addition, it would be a good idea to pay off any additional outstanding debt. You should also know that if you do not have money to cover the treatment in full, there are options to finance your treatment such as loans, grants and clinical trials.