How to Become an Egg Donor in Massachusetts
Schedule an appointment with your doctor. Egg donation requires that you are in excellent health with no diseases or health problems. Your doctor can identify your initial eligibility for egg donation.
Locate your nearest fertility clinic or egg donor agency in Massachusetts. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine has a complete listing of agencies on its website (see Resources). These agencies all have an agreement that they will abide by all federal and state laws on gamete donation for donors. Fertility Network lists further fertility clinics that likely provide egg donation services, such as Mass General Hospital Vincent IVF and Brigham & Women's Hospital.
Examine the requirements for egg donation that are listed on your chosen clinic or agency's website and identify whether you qualify. The typical requirements for eligibility include being between the ages of 19 and 32, healthy with no infectious or inherited diseases, non-smoker, no drug or alcohol addiction, have a BMI between 18 and 29, have a high school diploma or acquired a GED and have a mature and responsible disposition. Requirements may vary from program to program. If a smoker wishes to become an egg donor they must refrain from smoking for 6 months prior to donation. Urine toxicology tests will be performed before the donor is accepted.
Complete the online pre-qualification form and if requested submit a photo of yourself as a child and a current photo of yourself. If your chosen clinic or agency does not have an online application, you can complete a pre-qualification form through The Fertility Network. Information requested will include personal information such as physical attributes, address and education. Submit the application as instructed by the website.
Wait for contact from the fertility clinic. You may receive a phone call scheduling a phone interview if clarification is required on your application and to get to know you better. If accepted, your file will be added to the clinic's egg donor database for potential recipient couples to review.
Wait to be chosen by a recipient couple. The clinic will then contact you to verify your availability and you will receive a letter from the couple introducing themselves. A legal agreement will be established between you and the recipient couple clearly outlining your responsibilities as egg donor and the responsibilities of the recipient couple. The recipient couple should pay the legal agreement fee.
Complete the genetic, psychological and medical screening. The tests will include blood tests, a Pap smear, liver function test, blood typing, blood count and Rh factor. Once completed you will begin the physical part of the donation process. You will be scheduled further doctor appointments to begin ovary stimulation and prescribed fertility medication.