How to Tell Children You Have a Pituitary Adenoma
Explain to your children what the pituitary gland is and what it does to the body. Illustrate your point by showing them where the pituitary gland rests in your body --- in the center of the head.
Inform your children about benign tumors. Benign tumors are not usually dangerous, but they are still a form of cancer. Do not shield your child from the fact that the growth is still a tumor.
Explain to your children that you have a benign tumor called an adenoma on your pituitary gland. Tell them while it does not spread like a malignant tumor, it is still a growth that requires surgery to remove it.
Allay your children's fears about the procedure. It is hard to say how well the surgery will work, but you need to sound like a parent who is in control to help your children through this rough patch. If you do not sound confident, your children will not feel confident.