Advantages of a Vasectomy
Vasectomies have a success rate of 99.8 to 100 percent, according to the website This is the same success rate as a tubal ligation, a sterilization procedure for women, and a much higher rate than all other methods of contraception, aside from abstinence.
A vasectomy is considered to be a very safe procedure, with fewer risks than a tubal ligation, according to the Feminist Women's Health Center. A vasectomy is an outpatient procedure and is usually performed using a local anesthetic, while a tubal ligation is generally performed under general anesthesia, which makes the tubal ligation a more dangerous surgery. A vasectomy is also minimally invasive, with only a small incision on the scrotum needed, while a tubal ligation is usually a more invasive procedure.
While a vasectomy may carry a hefty price up front, that price is often small compared to the ongoing costs of other contraception methods, and is often at least partially covered by medical insurance. states that the average vasectomy cost ranges from $500 to $1,000, and this cost is less than a fifth of the cost of a tubal ligation. The one-time fee associated with a vasectomy is also likely to be less than the lifetime cost of purchasing alternate forms of contraception.
Although the possibility of reversing a vasectomy is not guaranteed, it can happen. According the Feminist Women's Health Center, about 70 percent of couples who undergo vasectomy reversals experience a pregnancy after the procedure. Since the success of a reversal is not guaranteed, the procedure should be considered to be permanent when you're making your decision to have a vasectomy.