How Does an Ovulation Test Kit Work?
Three different types of tests are available. A standard drug store ovulation test includes seven sticks that test your urine. The stick changes color or gives one to two lines to determine the presence of LH. Ovulation kit tests that include 20 sticks work the same way, but allow you to test throughout the month. If you prefer high-tech, there are fertility monitors, which also work with urinating on sticks that are then inserted into the computerized monitor giving you a digital read out.
The detection of LH in your urine shows when you are about to or are currently ovulating. As the month progresses and you get closer to ovulation, this hormone will increase in your system. A high amount of LH in your system triggers ovulation.
Time Frame
Most ovulation tests request for you to use your morning urine when hormone levels are at their highest and urine has built up over night; this is not always necessary. It is more important to test at the same time every day over the month to gauge your LH levels and check for a pattern of increasing LH. Ovulation typically occurs only two days a month,14 days after the beginning of your menstrual period.