What is withdrawal in family planing?
How withdrawal works
Withdrawal works by preventing sperm from reaching the egg. When a man ejaculates, semen is released from the penis. Semen contains sperm, which are the cells that fertilize an egg. If semen comes into contact with an egg, fertilization can occur.
By withdrawing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation, semen is not released into the vagina and cannot come into contact with an egg. This prevents fertilization from occurring.
Effectiveness of withdrawal
Withdrawal is not as effective as some other methods of birth control. The effectiveness of withdrawal depends on several factors, including:
* How consistently you practice it: Withdrawal is most effective when practiced every time you have sex. If you sometimes forget to withdraw, your risk of pregnancy increases.
* How quickly you withdraw: Withdrawal is most effective when you withdraw before you start to ejaculate. If you wait too long to withdraw, some semen may still be released and come into contact with an egg.
* Your partner's fertility: Withdrawal may be less effective for women who are very fertile.
Risks of withdrawal
Withdrawal is not a perfect method of birth control and there are some risks associated with it, including:
* Pregnancy: Withdrawal is not as effective as some other methods of birth control. If you practice withdrawal perfectly every time you have sex, your chance of pregnancy is about 4%. However, if you do not practice withdrawal perfectly, your chance of pregnancy increases.
* Sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Withdrawal does not protect against STIs. If you are concerned about STIs, you should use condoms in addition to withdrawal.
Withdrawal is not a reliable method of birth control for women who are trying to avoid pregnancy. if you are concerned about becoming pregnant, you should talk to your doctor about other methods of birth control.