Alternative Ways to Conceive a Baby
In Vitro Fertilization
A team of doctors is available to walk with patients through the IVF process. In Vitro Fertilization is a proven method that many couples have used to build their families. IVF is a four-step process. Medications are given to help the woman's body develop eggs. These medications are taken with a subcutaneous injection, usually once each day. After a doctor determines the eggs are mature using ultrasound and blood tests, the eggs are harvested. This procedure involves an aspirator guided by an ultrasound which sucks out the eggs. IV sedation is used for this procedure. An embryologist then isolates the eggs and injects sperm that are determined to be healthy into the eggs. If fertilized, the eggs are picked up with a fine catheter and placed into the uterine cavity. This procedure requires no anesthesia.
Intrauterine Insemination
Sperm cells are "washed" before the intrauterine procedure. When doctors determine infertility may be due to a problem with healthy sperm cells, intrauterine insemination may be recommended. A semen sample is collected close to the time of the procedure. The sperm cells are separated from the seminal fluid. Using a small catheter, the washed sperm are deposited inside the uterine cavity, just beyond the cervix.
Surrogacy/Gestational Carrier
A third party can carry a baby to full term. When it is determined that a woman's body is unable to conceive or carry a baby to full term, a surrogacy or gestational carrier may be considered. A female third party is evaluated for good health and her ovulation is tracked. At the time of ovulation, washed sperm, which has been separated from the seminal fluid, is placed using a catheter inside the uterine cavity. It may be necessary to research the legality of surrogacy or involving a gestational carrier as this varies from state to state.
Research is proving that acupuncture helps increase the success rate of the IVF procedure. According to Eric Manheimer of the University of Maryland School of Medicine's Center for Integrative Medicine, when acupuncture is given as a compliment to the IVF procedure, more pregnancies result. Acupuncture has been used to help reproductive issues in China for hundreds of years. Manheimer's research has found that one in 10 women are more successful in achieving pregnancy when coupling the IVF procedure with acupuncture.