Medical Risks of Artificial Insemination
Multiple Pregnancies
The University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago warns that one possible complication resulting from artificial insemination is the risk of multiple pregnancies. Caused by the higher than normal rate of eggs released, multiple pregnancies increase the chance of the mother suffering from potentially deadly blood pressure swings, anemia, gestational diabetes and kidney infections. The babies are at increased risk of being born prematurely or dying in the womb. According to MSNBC, the odds of spontaneous miscarriage occurring increases from 1 percent when one fetus is present, to 9 percent when three are present.
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is caused when a woman's ovaries respond overly well to the fertility medicine used to induce ovulation. This can result in abdominal pain as the ovaries rapidly swell to a much larger size than normal. The ovaries may also leak fluid into the abdominal cavity, resulting in weight gain and a bloated feeling. Other symptoms include pelvic pain, nausea, vomiting and shortness of breath. Women who suspect they may be suffering from ovarian hyperstimulation should seek medical help.
The risk of infection for women in hospitals and medical institutions undergoing artificial insemination is small. However, nonsterile catheters and contaminated semen may lead to infection in the woman's fallopian tubes or uterus. In some cases, infection can lead to the inner lining of the uterus becoming inflamed, a condition known as endometritis. Minor infections many be successfully treated by a course of antibiotics.
HIV Transmission
The transmission of HIV through artificial insemination is rare. According to A Positive Life website, 15 artificially inseminated women worldwide had been infected with HIV through sperm from anonymous donors by 2003. All but one of these infections had taken place before HIV antibody testing became available in 1985. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends HIV screening for semen donors twice. The first is one the day when the semen is collected. The second is 6 months later.