How to Cope With IVF Failure
Speak to your fertility specialist about the reasons why your IVF might have failed and what changes can be made to the protocol for another IVF cycle if you choose to do one. Protocols are not one-size-fits-all. There are several changes to be made such as alternate medications, injections or by doing assisted hatching or a blastocyst transfer.
Seek counseling from a mental health professional that specializes in infertility. This person will help you work through your problems, deal with your emotions and help you to move on from the IVF failure.
Speak to you partner or spouse about the next steps to take. Together you may decide to attempt another IVF cycle, look into adoption or decide to live child-free. This is a big decision and should not to be taken lightly. Many couples find it comforting after an IVF failure to have closure. For couples wanting to do another IVF cycle, give yourselves a few months off from family building and spend this time together.
Reduce the other stresses in your life following an unsuccessful IVF transfer. If you have a career that involves a lot of your free time and is highly stressful, reduce your hours at work to give yourself more time to adjust to the results of your IVF.
Go on vacation, even for a few days with your partner or spouse. Spend leisure time together and lean on each other for support and comfort.